Stirling Technologies, Inc. (c) 1990-1994 SRCDIR SRCDISK TARGETDISK TARGETDIR WINDIR WINDISK WINSYSDIR WINSYSDISK ERRORFILENAME INFOFILENAME SUPPORTDIR CMDLINE ISVERSION SHARED UNINST LAST_RESULT CMDVALUE HINST_INSTALL BATCH_INSTALL LOGHANDLE Signal 9 Solutionsa ConSeal PC FIREWALLa FRW.EXE ConSeal PC FIREWALLA LICENSE.DLL Invalid System Date$ Your system date does not appear to be correct: a5 Please set it before you install ConSeal PC FIREWALL.$ This installation kit requires a valid date because it $ is a free, time-limited demonstration version.* LICENSE.TXT LicenseAccept2 Installation for Windows 95 only* This demonstration kit is available on Windows 95 only.A Program Files% \Signal9\FIREWALL Choose Installation Path for ConSeal PC FIREWALLb System ConSeal PC FIREWALL9 Choose Installation Folderb FRWUninstallA ConSeal PC FIREWALL \FRW.EXE General Copying program files... WinNT\*.*A WinNT3.51\*.*A WinNT4.0\*.*A WIN9x\*.*A Unable to create a directory under b Please check write access to this directory.* General file transfer error.a0 Please check your target location and try again.$ Error Number:$ PLINK.EXE) FW20E.VXDa FW20E.VXD! FW20.VXDa FW20.VXD! Error copying FW20.VXD to %windir%a Error Number:$ Creating Folder and Icons....< ConSeal PC FIREWALLa FRW.EXE ConSeal PC FIREWALL Helpa FRW.HLP( ConSeal Private Linksa PLINK.EXE ConSeal Private Links Helpa PLINK.HLP Desktop \FRW.EXE ConSeal PC FIREWALLb# \PLINK.EXE ConSeal Private Linksb# Profiles\Administrator\Desktop \FRW.EXE ConSeal PC FIREWALLb# \PLINK.EXE ConSeal Private Linksb# README.TXT$ NOTEPAD.EXE b# Readme Fileb$ \RemoveFirewallService.bat: Remove Firewall Serviceb# UNINST.EXE unInstallb$ unInstall - USE MEb$ Installation complete.( Would you like ConSeal PC FIREWALL to start automatically a as a service during bootup? FWSERVICE.DLL InstallServiceAuto2 InstallServiceDemand2 Some files could not be installed because they are a3 currently in use by other programs in the system. $ To allow for proper operation of the new program you should restart$ your system at this time. Restart Windowsb RULES.FWR MOREINFO.TXT) LICENSE.DLL MoreInformation2 LICENSE.DAT) LICENSE.DLL LicenseRead2 Setup Complete( Setup is complete. REMINDER: Your license must be installed before running ConSeal PC FIREWALL. Setup is complete. The license in this kit has been installed as well. If you have been given a different license, you should install it now. ConSeal PC FIREWALLa Setup SetupA LICENSE.DLL IS_952 IS_NT3512 IS_NT402 This program can only be installed on Windows 95 and Windows NT 3.51 or 4.0A SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersionR Version2 There is not enough space available on the disk Please free up some space or change the target location to a different disk SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Runa SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\RunServicesa Securitya \Signal9\FIREWALL$ SOFTWARE\a Signal 9 Solutions$ ConSeal PC FIREWALL$ Security\$ SOFTWARE\a Signal 9 Solutions$ ConSeal PC FIREWALL InstallPathA SOFTWARE\a Signal 9 Solutions$ ConSeal PC FIREWALL$ FIREWALL RULES.FWRQ Path:RulesetA Path:Log FileA Run As ServiceA SOFTWARE\a Signal 9 Solutions$ ConSeal PC FIREWALL$ HELPMENU MaxNumA README.TXTQ path0A exe0A NOTEPAD.EXEA active0A Read MeA SOFTWARE\a Signal 9 Solutions$ ConSeal PC FIREWALL$ Users System\a CurrentControlSet\$ Control\$ ComputerName\$ ComputerName ComputerName Security$ SOFTWARE\a Signal 9 Solutions$ ConSeal PC FIREWALL$ FIREWALL GetCurrentDate2 InstallDateA SetInstallDate2 Number Check Product Serial$ InstallDateA Choose Initial Setup; Select the type of initial setup, then click Next. Basic - allow Internet access, block ICMP. Recommended. Cable - for cable, ADSL and other permanent connections. Update - use old ruleset, saved as RULES.BACKUP.FWR. None - allows nothing. Needs expert setup. SIMPLE.FWRa DEFAULT.FWR! SIMPLE.FWRa RULES.FWR! CABLE.FWRa RULES.FWR! CABLE.FWRa DEFAULT.FWR! RULES.BACKUP.FWRa DEFAULT.FWR! RULES.BACKUP.FWRa RULES.FWR! The RULES.BACKUP.FWR file could not be copied successfullyA _EWQ$ 2.20.902